OK, had to geek out over this for a minute. Now I’m better. This movie poster with John Cho, whom you may know as Harold of “Harold and Kumar,” for the new “Star Trek” movie was released this week.
As you also may know, Cho is taking over the role of Sulu, originally played by George Takei. The movie, a prequel that restarts the “Star Trek” franchise, will be released May 8, 2009, just like the poster says.
If you haven’t seen The Spaces Issue of Hyphen, get it for a Q&A with Cho and a story (by me) delving into the racial stereotypes depicted in the utopian future of the “Star Trek” world.
Fellow Trekkies, I know you’re out there. Don’t tell me you’re not waiting to see this movie.
This post is also published on Hyphen magazine’s blog.