Two New York radio show hosts were fired for airing a prank call to a Chinese restaurant in which the caller ordered “shrimp flied lice,” claimed he was a student of kung fu, and compared menu items to employees’ body parts.
The Dog House with JV & Elvis, was hosted by Jeff Vandergrift and Dan Lay. They aired the bit a few weeks back, but nobody complained until it was rebroadcast after the Don Imus firing. Then Asian American groups started a compaign to have the Dog House crew canned.
I looked around for a the clip in question, but didn’t find it. I’ll keep looking, but if anyone knows a link, please post.
Is it offensive? Without hearing, I don’t know, but it would seem to be on the surface. But to some people it may be funny. There’s a fine line between satire that’s humorous and has a point and something that’s offensive, especially when it comes to race.
Here’s some other blogs commenting about it:
This post can also be found on Hypen magazine’s blog.